My Family Rocks Promotion : We initiated a 3-month search for families that rock across America. Through digital and print executions on RollingStone.com and within RS magazine, families were asked to submit photos and 500 word or less essays. Our team procured rock stars Perry Ferrell and Snoop Dogg ( Lion ) along with their families for additional content. Perry had a lot to share about surfing.
Phase 1 : Call-to-action via social media, online, and print

Phase 2 : Celebrity integration : Photo shoot and video interviews that ran in RS magazine and RollingStone.com.

Phase 2 : Hyundai advertisements : Our contest began before Hyundai could complete the production of their own brand campaign. As a result, we were asked to produced ads in sync with their upcoming creative efforts to run in Rolling Stone adjacent our custom work.

Phase 3 : The Winner Is Announced : We flew this family of four to Los Angeles for their own photo shoot and interview. The proud owners of a zip line company, their submission photo featured the couple engaged in a topsy turvy smooch ( like the famous Spider Man movie upside down kiss.)